On Thursday evening, parents converged onto campus for the very first PTC meeting, which included a school update by Mrs. Kilroy, and presentations by both Advancement Director, Mr. Sam Caruso and LA State Trooper (and PJP's class of '96) Melissa Matey - who informed all on the dangers of teen driving, vaping, and using the internet. Attendance was outstanding. We are so grateful to everyone who took the time and came to hear about your students' campus life and how we can all contribute to its enhancement. Thanks, too, to our PTC officers for their gracious hosting and provisions of refreshments and beverages. They are: President, Mrs. Lauren Thompson '95; Vice-President, Mr. Grant Black '94; and Secretary/Treasurer - Mrs. Karen Templet. Parents are reminded that all are members of our PTC with your student's enrollment AND can be eligible in a $1,000 tuition credit drawing taking place after attending all three of our opening meets. That's Sept. 23, Oct. 7, and Nov. 9th.